

Find out how to set up Azameo conversions with the ThriveCart payment platform.

1. Copy the Azameo tracking code

Start by getting back your Azameo tracking code :
  1. In Dashboard Azameo, go to the tracking code page and click on the  “Manual Installation” tab if necessary.
  2. Copy the tracking code.
    In the code example below, examplecom shall be replaced by your correct site id.
<script>window.azameoSite = "examplecom";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async = "true"></script>
<noscript> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css"> </noscript>

2. Paste it in ThriveCart

To trace navigation and conversion information from ThriveCart, please do as follows:
  1. go to the ThriveCart interface and click on select Customers > Tracking.
  2. Paste the Azameo browsing tracking code in all payment pages – All of this product’s pages – so in the first script block.
  3. Finally, place the following ecommerce code Azameo when the customer has purchased the product – If the customer purchases the main product field – so in the third script block :
    <script> window.azameoTagEvent = { name : "checkout", ref :, price : _thrive_order.order.total_readable, tax : _thrive_order.order.tax_readable, shipping: _thrive_order.order.shipping_readable, type : "cart", sequence: "validation" }; window.azameoCart = window.azameoCart || []; if(window.azameoTag) azameoTag.Conversion(); </script>
For more information, please refer to the documentation provided by ThriveCart by following this link.