My search campaign does not spend its entire daily budget

My search campaign does not spend its entire daily budget

Your search campaign is broadcasting but is not spending its full daily budget? 

1 - The keywords 

The keywords you have selected may not register enough monthly queries to broadcast your entire budget. 
Solution : add broader keywords with more queries

You are using an exact keyword match (in square brackets) or an exact expression (in quotation marks), this can decrease the diffusion of your keywords. 
Solution : pass your keywords in broad query (without brackets or quotation marks)

There may not be enough keywords in your campaign. We recommend about ten keywords in the same ad group. You can add keywords to your campaign in the Edit section: 

- Click on the green pen icon

- Then click on Add keywords

- Add your keywords and Validate

2 - The bids

If your search campaign spends less than 50% of your daily budget but it includes enough keywords (often searched), there is probably a blockage in your bidding setup. 

The main causes of a reduced diffusion : 

- a CPC too low : you have to set your maximum CPC according to the competition of your keywords and their average CPC. 
Example: if you have set a max CPC at 0.10€ and all your keywords are very sought after and very competitive > your bid is too low and Google does not have enough opportunities to reach such a low CPC
Tip: adjust your max CPC according to the number of searches on your keywords and their competitiveness 

- a target CPA too low: this is the "Cost per Acquisition" you are aiming at, again if it is too low compared to the competition and to the prices of your products, Google does not have enough display opportunities to spend all your budget.
Tip: increase your target CPA, we advise by default to start at 1/3 of your average cart (for an acquisition campaign) then increase the target CPA according to the volume of distribution by 2€.

If you are using Azameo's automatic bidding and your campaign is not broadcasting enough, refer to the first point on keywords and/or the third point on ad quality. Indeed, the automatic bids automatically adapt to the competition and the potential of your keywords. They can therefore not be blocking the diffusion of your ads. 

3 - The quality of your ads 

It happens that your diffusion is limited because your ads are considered inefficient by the Google algorithm. You will soon find this information in the dashbaord, in the Edit part of your campaigns (the green pen). 

If this is the case, you have to improve your ads. For that, here are some advices: 
- insert your keywords in your titles and descriptions 
- use popular terms in your titles (terms likely to be typed by users) 
- highlight your assets in the descriptions (promotion, delivery, your customer reviews) 
- add at least 5 titles and 2 descriptions 

You can also read our article to create powerful search ads 👉

Once you have made the necessary changes and improvements to your campaign you should see an increase in spend fairly quickly within 1 to 2 days maximum. If this is not the case, there may be a more technical issue that will certainly be resolved by our experts on the chat. 

Do not hesitate to contact them, informing them that you have already followed all these tips. 

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